When using the photos, following permission from ConocoPhillips, the copyright must be acknowledged by stating 'Photo credit: ConocoPhillips' below the image.

Historic pictures from other fields and platforms in the Greater Ekofisk Area can be found at the website Cultural Heritage Ekofisk.

There are five producing fields in the Greater Ekofisk Area: Ekofisk, Eldfisk, Embla Tor and Tommeliten A. Please note that each field may have one or more installations.​


The following images are available in high-resolution .JPG format.


The following images are available in high-resolution .JPG format.

Greater Ekofisk Area Map
Ekofisk Complex
Ekofisk Complex
Ekofisk 2/4 Z
Ekofisk 2/4 X​
Ekofisk 2/4 K
Ekofisk 2/4 B
Ekofisk 2/4 M
Ekofisk 2/4 VA - Ekofisk 2/4 VB
Ekofisk 2/4 L​
Ekofisk 2/4 K-B
Teesside Terminal


Tor II started production 4 December 2020 from a two-by-four slot SPS (Subsea Production System) linked to the Ekofisk Complex.

Tor 2/4 E


The following images are available in high-resolution .JPG format.

Eldfisk Complex
Eldfisk Complex
Eldfisk 2/7 S
Eldfisk 2/7 B
Eldfisk 2/7 A
Eldfisk 2/7 E
Eldfisk 2/7 FTP


The following images are available in high-resolution .JPG format.

Embla 2/7 D
Embla 2/7 D

Eldfisk North

Eldfisk North

Tommeliten A

Tommeliten A illustration