Our legacy & vision
First to come is our legacy offshore Norway and last to leave is our vision. Sound and effective management of resources is part of our Ekofisk history. We continue safe and reliable operations for generations.
Our history in Norway started in the 1960’s, participating in the first licensing round on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) in 1965. The first commercial oil discovery offshore Norway took place at Ekofisk in 1969, resulting in the development and production of first oil at the Ekofisk field in 1971. Today, we operate the producing fields Ekofisk, Eldfisk, Embla, Tommeliten A and Tor, located in the North Sea.
We also have ownership interest in fields operated by others.
Do you want to learn more about our legacy in Norway? Go to The Industrial Heritage – Ekofisk.
The timeline of the Ekofisk field includes pioneering milestones on the Norwegian continental shelf.